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Anker 2

I am the one who will set you on fire. I will grow constantly and I will never stop.
I have seen a lot of things in my life, but they only made my richer. 
I feel lonely and I haven’t chosen my path yet. 
My insides poison me every day a little more, but I try not to listen.
I’m sure I will loose against them, but at least for now, I survive. 
I am the one who will.

I am the one who speaks out the loudest, but often my mind is even louder. 
I gained a lot of courage and i will do my best to keep it. 
I am proud of who I am now, and I will never let myself down again.
My smile is my weapon against the gaining darkness. 
My heart is honest and full of love. 
I am the one who says.

I’m one the one who gained the knowledge only a few will ever reach for. 
I’m the one who uses his intelegency as a weapon. My heart was used a lot of times, but I will never loose myself again. 
I wish to be as cold as ice, but my inner devils are still fighting. 
I’m the one whose mind is killing me. 
I am the one who knows.

Anker 1

Dear Visitor,

now it is your turn to choose. Decide. 

Fire, Water & Ice or the lovely mother nature. 

Choose wisely, all is linked with high responsibility. 


Join the Team. Choose your faith.


you lead the group. You will wish the best for your team. You are supportive and brave, you will learn how to protect and to serve the light. Listen to the howl, sung by the forgotten packs. 

Water and Ice, 

you will bring the knowledge, your pack needs to survive. You are intelligent and calm, you will learn how to achieve all wisdom. Listen to the old masters, repeat

and represent what you've learned. 


Mothers and Fathers of Nature,

you will serve our heritage, the woods, the seas, the air we breathe. You are proud and steady, the mighty protector of our lands.

You will learn how to remind the group of their ideals. Remember your roots, respect the gifts from nature.  



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